Strafford Webinars & Teleconferences Presents “Sampling Strategies in Sales Tax Audits” on September 27, 2012
Tax Trilogy, Senior Manager of Indirect Tax, Kenneth W. Helms, CMI, is co-presenting on the “Sampling Strategies in Sales Tax Audits” on September 27, 2012 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.
This teleconference will prepare state tax professionals to establish audit samples for a state sales or use tax audit by reviewing proven sampling strategies used by corporate tax departments in audits across diverse industries.
The sample of invoices is the primary factor determining whether a state sales or use tax audit turns out favorably for your company. It is also becoming an increasingly high priority for corporate taxpayers, as more states mandate sampling and submission of electronic data.
The size and makeup of that sample comes down to hard-nosed negotiations between your tax staff and the revenue department. To make your best case, you must thoroughly understand the state’s guidelines to detect vulnerabilities in its block or sampling methodology.
You can improve your chances to win big-dollar refunds on an audit with a well-planned sample proposal as an alternative to the revenue department's usually less favorable plan.
The panel will offer you new tactics and insights regarding these and other key topics, including:
- Making smart decisions about sample size: Will a small sample work and reduce staff time chasing invoices, or will a big sample boost your case?
- Fighting back if the revenue department either tries to keep out data that could land your company a credit or insists on an overly large sample.
- Reacting when the auditor clearly doesn’t understand your company’s compliance system or overlooks accounts that favor your position.
- Crafting a proposal to sample data for a refund claim.
- Following the speaker presentations, you'll have an opportunity to get answers to your specific questions during the interactive Q&A.
For more information about the conference including registration details, click here.